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What are backlinks,Tips on how to gain more links to your website or blog

What are backlinks, 10 ways to get more links to your site
What is backlink:

Baklinks are links on other websites which point to your. The amount of html links in a site can set their own popularity and its importance to the internet.

Taking this into account we can reach the conclusion that the more backlinks your site has, the better it will be seen by google indexes in the best positions, and consequently will be visited by more people.

Not only google, but all search engines use the number of backlinks that a page on the Internet has one of the most important factors in rankeamento the same.

Search engines interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote of popularity, and the higher the pagerank of page, the more value will be created link to page B.

In short: a link in html to your site coming from a PageRank 8 site has more value than 10 links coming from sites that have pagerank 1. There are many factors that determine the value of a backlink. Backlinks from trusted sites on a given topic are highly valuable. If both sites have content geared toward the same key topic, the backlink is considered relevant and believed to have a strong influence on rankeamento search engines.
Folow Nofolow and BackLinks:

The links in the html attribute "nofolow" has no value for indexing, because they are links that webmasters insert an attribute saying that google should not follow this link. In contrast these links are not entirely wasted, for bringing visitors to your website and generating traffic usually often qualified. The links that do not have the attribute "nofolow" automatically become "folow" and are the most valuable, especially when your anchor text, consistent with the niche you work in, and the site link has a good pagerank.

Every webmaster needs to create relevant content for your website, and you must also create a strategy linkbuild with work aimed at achieving external backlinks to your content. This work should be done with the intention of increasing their rankeamento and thus stand out from the competition. The process of getting backlinks has a key role to leverage a website and should be done to
s gradually throughout its existence.

I would like to edit this article a little different from most, who writes the same thing in articles related to creating external links in html. No doubt after a detailed search, I see that most blogs approach the subject without a single idea even differentiated.

What are backlinks, links to your site

When the idea is different, you are faced with difficult techniques to understand, leaving any beginner web hair stand on end. But most of the articles I found explaining the same common ways of getting links that are in html:

    1 - Marketing Articles
    2 - Comment on other blogs
    3 - Social bookmarkings
    4 - sharing buttons to your readers
    5 - Submit your articles to directories of links

It is true to say that these are the easiest ways to start creating backlinks and you really should do so. But there are other ways to get good links to blog or website, which can be used in conjunction with the above methods with a work aiming at the quality. Work which should be done by yourself to get a better position in the first, or at most second page of google for each page created on your site.
How do backlinks to your site in a different way

1 - Provide more value than its competitors: This is by far the most neglected area for all webmasters. Want to monetize their websites and blogs like crazy, but forget to offer more value to your visitors. Want to have 100,000 visitors per month, with writing articles of 50 words, and still fill your homepage with banners of affiliate programs. It is very easy to reach 100,000 monthly visitors, if you have at least 100 items of real value to people coming into your blog. Sites that have this kind of value can easily spontaneous backlinks from other sites that link to your content as a supplement in your articles.

2 - Create a blog linked to your site: If you have a website, but has never done a blog, start to seriously consider this option. Blogs are able to get a lot more backlinks to your domain than regular websites. Blogs are monitored in real time by the search engines to look for your content in order to index your latest entries. Blogs are easier to update than a website, creating articles, publishing and easily without the need to edit a page from scratch. There is a greater ease of getting blog links to other bloggers in your niche, besides sharing your articles by visitors. It is possible to get a rankeamento much faster than a beautiful site all done in flash.

3 - Create content relentless: The more original content and quality to provide your traffic, the more traffic you will get, and consequently better sharing on social networks, which will increase your visibility in search engines. Note: Your blog will not be shared and will never receive unsolicited calls if you write articles that are trash. So if you can not, or do not have anything to talk about, do not create a blog expecting to receive many visitors daily. Increasing the quality of the content, is that will increase your visibility and the ability to receive backlinks voluntarily by visitors and partners.

4 - Set up your wordpress blog to ping Automatic: If you are using a wordpress blog, you can configure the ping to the wp automatically notify each article created for service updates from the internet: If you do not know what I'm talking about, between the admin panel and go to: Settings / writing / updating services. Make sure you have some search engines included in Update Services box on the bottom. The ones I'm currently using are:


5 - Create post of authority: A post of authority are articles that go deeper into the subject than a normal article to which you are accustomed to writing, and are those items that you should leave fixed on your homepage. A post of authority must contain unique content and exemplified in html links to other related articles, and a power differential mostar various points of view on the subject matter. An article like this should be written in at least six hours, and updated where possible. This type of article is certainly extremely linked by other blogs in addition to their work, increasing their visibility as an expert on the subject and consequently generating spontaneous numerous backlinks from other bloggers.

6 - Offer to be a guest blogger: If you are able to write for the site of someone is certainly very easy to get links to blog. Using this form of link building in conjunction with article directories, you can get many backlinks value and yet many visitors to your site, depending on the quality of the articles you write on other people's blogs. Try to write guest posts on sites that accept this purpose and with a rank higher than yours. Although this strategy be more difficult by having to provide content for their site and others, it works very well, and soon you'll be among the first to folow links pointing to your site in each article writing directories, and blogs partners.

7 - Use giveaways and promotions: Create deals on your blog where participants had to create an article linking to the post of promotion. Use gifts as an incentive for people to participate in promotions according to your financial conditions. The money spent on the investment value of a prize you will return many times to build quality links. If you can afford an Xbox as an incentive for people to participate promotions related to your blog, you probably have a lot more connections than you could offer a phone as an incentive. This method is not only the best of all, the fact that cost money, otherwise it should be among the best options shown here to get backlinks, it works like a bomb.

8 - Using Yahoo Answers constantly: Even if the links are from yahoo answers "nofolow", this is actually one of my biggest sources of traffic, simply by answering people's questions related to my niche and leaving a link to this blog . To supplement my answer, encouraging the person who asked the question to get more information on the subject visit me, and bring together a community of thousands of people who are at least curious to know my blog, after reading my answer. In short, you will not increase your indexing with links coming from yahoo, but as a result may attract numerous visitors if you know how to behave in the community.

9 - Create html links to your site on every social network that participate: From the moment you decide to have a website you should create accounts on most social networks you can. Do not create a personal profile on social networks, create a profile for the site itself. Keep in mind that you must work as a professional by creating a profile on each network with the name of your website or blog. This same profile should have a description with a link pointing to your home page. Try using this procedure, not only for social networking, but for any site to participate, to give you this opportunity, as well as forums, article sites, blog directories, classifieds and more.

10 - Buy sponsored posts: This would be a strategy that requires some money, but it also acts violently. Buy sponsored articles on blogs in your area, and with a higher pagerank than yours, is able to bring hundreds of visitors and links of great value that will increase its popularity. Several bloggers from all niches and are in the top list google offer advertising space, where you get a link, and also sponsored articles, where you can even afford to write the article, or purchase the article already done several ways including and installment payments available as paypal and others.


Getting quality backlinks and in large numbers, is a work that should be done gradually, with the average results What are backlinks and how to create links to Bloge long term. This becomes very rewarding when things start to flow and your visitors will increase gradually coming from search engines.

This is the best kind of traffic you can get across the internet, being a qualified traffic, where people who do research on a particular subject can find your site. Following the above strategies, especially the first, you will get for sure in less than one year rank your pages and receive double all the work that had to create the backlinks so fantastic.

Thank you and until next article ;)

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